Thursday, February 22, 2007

Scotland looking to cause a few upsets

After loses to England and then New Zealand, now even Scotland thinks they have a shot at knocking of the Aussies!

"We don't fear anyone at this World Cup – the last month's fixtures in one-day cricket all over the world have been interesting to say the least and we won't be losing any sleep over playing the world champions," said Scotland's Australian-raised coach Peter Drinnen.

"If we can take early wickets, which I'm sure we can with the way we've been bowling, we might set a few nerves jangling and cause the likes of Australia and South Africa a few problems."

Although Scotland only has a small number of players who have ever played first-class cricket, they still fancy themselves at causing a few upsets:

"You hear a lot about our amateur status but that doesn't wash with me or the players," Drinnen said.

"The players set themselves professional standards and if they stick to them they're going to have a good tournament.

"We aren't going to the Caribbean to play exhibition cricket. Yes, we will be massive underdogs in the most difficult group, but I'm confident we will justify our place with the elite and who knows what we could do?

"Nobody is getting carried away here and we know we've got jobs to do and we will be giving it everything to cause a shock."

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