Monday, March 5, 2007

Ireland give South Africa a scare

Ireland has almost caused a huge upset over South Africa in their warm up match. The Proteas set the Irishmen a modest total of 193 for victory and Ireland appeared to have the win in the bag at 4/139 with 14 overs to spare, before they suffered a massive collapse to be all out for 157.

The South African innings could have been a lot worse after being just 8/91 half way through their 50 overs. The innings was salvaged by a ninth wicket partnership of 85 between Andrew Hall and Robin Peterson.

1 comment:

  1. SA has to take all there matches more seriously. It doesnt mean that your number one in the world you can start taking every team lightly. So boys you better catch a wake up or you'll be coming home in the first round!!!
