Friday, March 23, 2007

No arrest in Woolmer murder

Despite reports that someone had been arrested in relation to the Bob Woolmer murder Jamaican police say theres is no truth in the reports. "I don't know where that's come from. That's nonsense, as far as I'm concerned. There's actually no truth in that." said deputy commissioner Mark Shield.

"I can unequivocally dismiss that, unless someone's given themselves up in India and we don't know about it, but I think that's highly unlikely."

However, its been reveleaed that there were no signs of forced entry into the Pakistan coach's hotel room "That's one of the interesting facts of the case. There's no sign of any forced entry at all," Shields said.

"In fact, all of Bob's possessions, as far as we can see, were intact."

Shields said it was therefore "difficult to believe" Woolmer's killer or killers were complete strangers to him.

He said: "It's imperative that we keep an open mind, but I have to say at this stage it looks as if it may be somebody somehow linked to him because clearly he let somebody into his hotel room and it may be that he knew who that person was."

Shield also went on to say “It would take some force because Bob was a large man and, therefore, it would have taken some significant force to subdue him.”

He added: “We do not know how many people there were in the room.”

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